
If there’s one thing that can help you when you’re anxious, it’s knowing you’re not alone. Being a new mum can feel like a lonely experience at times. Even though you always have another little person, or persons with you. Being able to read the stories of others who have been through, or are going through, what you’re experiencing right now can be incredibly reassuring. We’ve asked them all to give us their hints and tips for what helps them to feel more comfortable, in control and calm. If you would like to tell your story to help others, please do send us an email.

Case Studies


Geraldine is a mum of one, who trained as a hypnotherapist after personally experiencing anxiety and hoping to help others who have struggled in a similar way.

Case Studies


Meet Abbie. Whose anxiety returned after the birth of her baby boy leaving her feeling overwhelmed, mentally exhausted and struggling with a rollercoaster of emotions.

Case Studies


Meet Elizabeth. She has struggled with anxiety since her early twenties. But since losing her mum and discovering her daughter has a life threatening allergy, her anxiety has worsened.

Case Studies


Natalie describes her story as the hardest journey into motherhood. Having been diagnosed with OCD as a teenager, she went on to struggle with a difficult pregnancy - both physically and mentally.