Each of our techniques has been designed for women who are either pregnant or in the postnatal period. We have tried to think about important factors like nap times, exhaustion, and wakefulness at night when formulating these resources. You may find that you enjoy a lot of them, or just one. We would encourage you to try them all and see what works best for you at this moment in time.
More and more techniques will be added and you can add yourself to our email newsletter to receive notifications of new videos, audio files, blogs and podcasts.
As ever, please be careful when attempting any new exercise regime. We would ask that you speak to your GP, midwife or health visitor beforehand and never attempt anything before you have been signed off.
Post Partum Exercise
Getting back into exercise after childbirth can seem daunting. Our exercises are simple, quick and help both your body and your mind.
Meditation and Breathing
Taking a moment to breathe can make a huge difference to how you are feeling right now, but learning breathwork techniques and using them on a daily basis can produce long term changes to our mental health.
Pelvic Floor Health
One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy and childbirth is incontinence. Which often leads to or exacerbates our anxiety. Learning how to relax and control your pelvic floor can help to overcome this.